
Hi! I'm Kurisu, your local bunny mom!
I live exclusively for my favorite fictional characters, fries and rabbits.
I also make covers and draw.

About me

25 {November 6th}
(idk my romantic attraction anymore man, simping for fictional women, men and nb peeps has to mean something)

Before You Follow

-Heavy rt, no rt tag.
-May tweet in spanish sometimes.
-Introvert, please don't @ me with people I don't know.
-If you @ me and I don't know you I may not answer.
-No incest/racism/map/ anti LGBT+ allowed.


(might delete or add some over time)

  • Drakennier

  • JJK

  • Gundam [Universal Century/G Gundam/Wing/Turn A/IBO/G Reco/G Witch]

  • Xenogears/Xenoblade 1-3


  • RGG Games

  • Dungeon Meshi

  • Devil May Cry

  • Granblue Fantasy

  • Resident Evil

  • Persona

  • Metal Gear Solid

  • Animal Crossing

  • Rabbits

Favourite characters

I have more fav characters than these but these are my safe charas that I could talk about for hours and make me feel warm.